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Frequently Asked Questions About Wash Like Home​

Pickup & Delivery Questions:

Our hours are from 4 pm - 8 pm Monday-Saturday.

Tell us where to find or where to leave the clothes. Some people put them on their porch or behind a gate. Sometimes a person will leave them with the apartment manager. You can put this information in when you schedule the pickup.


We purchase products just for those stains. Don’t worry, they will turn out great.

No, each individuals clothing is washed separately and sorted by colored, whites, and delicates!

We are following the CDC guidelines and additionally disinfecting our vehicles before delivering your laundry.

Commercial Questions:

We buy products especially for this use.

Please contact us for a price. Commercial laundry is bid based on how much laundry, how often you need us. You’ll like our prices.

Call or email us. We’ll work together to see if we can help.

Definitely. We can invoice you at separate locations.

It isn’t necessary. We will decide on pricing and if you are happy, I am sure you will continue working with us.